A number of people have asked us why we do not appear on Trip Advisor, many have tried to post recommendations and we have also enquired about how to get on it. Apparently we do not meet the requirements because the Sail Loft flat is let self catering. We have tried to explain, that although […]
Category archives: Bed and Breakfast
Skerries Spicy Old English Sausages
The pigs went to slaughter during November. Our carcass went to Colyton Butcher who jointed it and made sausages. The bacon was cured by us and we have been enjoying excellent bacon and sausages over the past few months. Not surprisingly we are getting towards the end of the bacon but there are still quite […]
Seasonal Deep Clean
Over the winter a considerable amount of work has gone in to freshen up Skerries for the new season including the annual carpet deep cleaning, wall painting and thorough checking, and replacement of worn items. Last year we replaced the mattresses with the Relyon Classic mattresses which was the best buy in the 2012 “Which […]
Homemade Sausages for Breakfast
The pigs have put on a great deal of weight with the biggest at 140lbs. They are due to go for slaughter 19th Nov.